Stuff is awesome!
Age 25, Male
London, England
Joined on 4/26/09
Stuff is awesome!
It sure is
Cool Stuff.
It sure is
Jesus, some people just can't take the fucking hint.
What's so complicated about the statement "money from these ads will go to charity"?
wow . dudes i think your doing a very WRONG step into getting populare.
your first daily 1ST award Flash, is about some pouplare artist who died (yeah the flash itself is touching and ispirating). but you have ADs on it.
if i were you i would not lying and saying "money goes for charity" i would just REMOVE THE EFFING ADD. its not that hard to do.
and after that actuarly posting on it link for your pages??
im not saying that i hate you. but what you doing is WRONG! like really wrong!
or maybe im just crazy...
I'm not lying, the ad money really is going to charity, please shut up :)
it remember when you were 11
faggot <3
good times
also who cares if he's making money from making flash, its no big deal. In fact, not very many people make money from doing what they love to do.
I'm donating it anyway
people need to read the description regarding the ads and the money
I disagree with bocodamondo - there's a great probability that the money IS indeed going to charity. I don't see what's wrong with him linking to his sites - it's not very often that an artist gets noticed, and his frontpaged tribute to Edd could very well provide him the exposure he needs for future animations.
thanks brah
What he didn't disclose is that he added the donation clause in his description after I called him out on it initially in the post before this one. This latest post is another example of him using Edd's death to advertise, but now instead of Maplestory and Anime he's advertising himself.
It probably wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't so blatantly obvious.
I commend you on donating the money though, that was a good gesture.
I'm not using Edd's death to advertise :C I just took the opportunity of the front page to get followers on these websites which I struggle on!
Yeah man, even though you claim that you are going to donate the money, which I can't prove otherwise, it's pretty clear that you only got daily first because it's an eddsworld tribute, it doesn't have good animation, just fading text and some moving images and lots of tweens, it doesn't deserve first place at all.
Well, you haven't exactly asked to get daily first, and you got it because that's just the way the voting system is, I myself got awards that I don't think I deserve.
Except that when you do a tribute to someone, it's pretty obvious you will get a high score, and you probably thought about that while doing it.
But the bad part is, you are putting so many links to all your stuff in that tribute, AND this frontpage post, you ARE winning from his death, gaining followers and views because of it, and that's just not right, the tribute is about Edd, not about you, if you respect him, make it about him, don't try to win over this.
I'm sure the majority of people agrees.
Much, much more important than followers or fans, is being a respectful person, and gaining over someone's death shows that you're not, NO MATTER if you just took the opportunity of the award or deliberately did it only for the views.
Fans will come eventually, if you do a good job, and you are not doing a good job, regarding your animation and your attitudes. You should have taken all the links down by now.
This may seem like a personal attack, but it's not. It really takes me a lot to write something even mildly offensive to someone on the Internet.
I don't write this to offend you, I just want you to realize your mistakes, and redeem them.
I wasn't expecting First Place and I wasn't doing it just for views :L Lots of people make FP posts with just links to their pages on other websites yet you don't tell them not to do so, many people also put links in their Flash. I don't see how it's any different here. That is the preloader template I have been using for all my movies as of late.
i seriously think the message sent is prety dam good and i did not even give a dam about the adds that wasant the point of the flash hey its a guy trying to show him self a bit its not a bad thing its not like your using the death to your advantage.
"Dick" isn't very clean language for a twelve year old ;) Sorry if I came off rude (I can be kind of a dick sometimes). It's just that its not right to dupe people out of giving you higher ratings by stating your age. You're a really talented dude, and I want you to keep it up. But not by doing the wrong thing. Best of luck to you in the future! I hope you get what I'm saying.
lol dude I was joking :) thanks anyway!
Plus lazy ass-if you know how little people get paid from ads on newgrounds-trust me you wouldn't be complaining.
I actually agree with JellyDraft - it's pretty annoying when I see people saying they're 12 to get better scores
ok i'll stop lol
Lol ok.
Just my two cents about all that. I don't hate you or anything. And you seem to be honest with your reply. So whatever.
You are actually pretty good for your age and all.
Thanks. I want to become an animator by profession when I grow up.
Which charity are you donating it to???
Why don't you read the description
i love stuff :D
Me too