Merry Christmas!
Age 25, Male
London, England
Joined on 4/26/09
Merry Christmas!
it's not christmas anymore :\
god i need EPIC help at medals and lip sinc
p.s what did you get for x mas i got super mario all stars!
i don't celebrate it...
hope you had a merry christmas
wait england dosent celebrate christmas? also you are making a real use of emanuele feronato"s tutorials aren"t you?
Of course England celebrates Christmas It's just that I'm not christian and therefore I don't celebrate it :X
wll you have to have SOME SORT of chismas like hanukah or something
I don't. Not in december, anyway.
then when?
when then!
He's Muslim like me, therefore he celebrates "Eid"
which is after "Ramadan"
I wouldn't say I "Celebrate" X-mas But I do get presents.
Also! thanks for playing Button Game Tales
oh, so you're muslim? cool
Merry Christmas!
You too!